about the program

  • the aim

    in this program, you will develop a mindset and practice of cultural responsiveness that will shape the way you design and develop games -- ones that resonate and are in alignment with a diverse, global community

  • program contents

    this program has 5 components:

    1. designing through the lens of equity, belonging + inclusion

    2. inclusive character design

    3. building authentic worlds

    4. developing social impact + behavioral change games for a global audience

    5. cultural identity game jam

  • who we are calling in

    this program was built not only for folks who currently design and develop games but also for those new to the space and intend to build games and gameified experiences in the future

Don't wait

be a part of the change by signing up now for the creating culturally responsive gaming experiences program

meet your program hosts

“I'm your host for the Designing for Equity, Belonging + Inclusion in Gaming module.

Among many things, you'll learn:

tools and techniques to design with compassion and for liberation

methods for developing an inclusive, outward mindset ”

Yeruwelle deRouen (she/her)

“I'm your host for the Inclusive Character Design module.

Among many things, you'll learn to:

identify questions to ask, as a game designer/developer, to avoid perpetuating stereotypes + design characters and narratives with inclusivity 

Honey Rosenbloom (they/them)

“I'm your host for the Building Authentic Worlds module.

Among many things, you'll learn to:

understand the difference between culturalization and localization

identify types of culturalization and their utility in your work

construct a design checklist for world building ”

Kate Edwards (she/her)

“I'm your host for the Developing Social Impact + Behavioral Change Games for a Global Audience" module.

Among many things, you'll learn:

identify the 3 most common themes in behavioral change games

understand the core components needed for designing games for a global audience”

Mariam Nusrat (she/her)

“I'm your host for the Cultural Identity Game Jam.

Among many things, you'll learn:

to implement and practice your learnings from the other 4 modules ”

Marina Díez Pereiro (she/her)


  • Who is involved with The Equity Gaming Project?

    The Equity Gaming Project (EGP) is a collective of underrepresented identities in gaming introducing a new, equity-centric paradigm to game design + development.

    We aim to elevate consciousness in the design process by creating through the lens of equity, healing and justice.

    Through responsive and reflective learning experiences (digital classes, trainings and workshops) EGP guides individual game designers/developers and organizations through the process of creating games/gameified experiences that lessen harmful stereotypes, beliefs and social norms.

    Alongside our learning experiences, we are cultivating virtual and physical spaces that center underrepresented folks in gaming and open up possibilities for creative collaboration and greater economic equality in the industry.

  • What does The Equity Gaming Project value?

    EGP believes that identifying and healing the harm that is being done through incredibly influential mediums like gaming is critical work. It isn’t niche, or fringe or a “nice to have". It’s a must.

    EGP aims to revolutionize the way game designers and developers think about and approach their creative works.

  • Who does The Equity Gaming Project serve?

    We center underrepresented identities in gaming: Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Communities of Color, Women, LGBTQ+ and folks with disabilities.

    Our programs serve:

    Veteran game designers + developers



    Social justice and impact-focused professionals interested in leveraging gaming for social good

  • Are there any requirements to participate?

    There are no firm requirements (beginners + newcomers welcome!); however, some fundamental knowledge of the following won't hurt:

    Principles of diversity, equity, inclusion + belonging

    Foundations of world building, narrative + character design

  • How is this program delivered?

    100% online. Only an Internet connection is required. Content delivery will be a mix of pre-recorded and live stream

  • What other learning experiences do you offer?

    We are continually expanding our offerings of 100% virtual, self-paced programs. Please check back on this site regularly for new releases.

    We also offer custom, co-designed programs for gaming and esports organizations as well as academic institutions. Please contact [email protected] for more information about these offerings.

  • I'm having trouble playing the program videos! Now what?

    Clear cache and restart the browser. Also check if you’re using the newest version of the browser

    Try a different browser (we like Google Chrome)

    Try an Incognito / Private Window (this will rule out an issue with browser extensions)

    Restart the device (it's a cliche but it works!)

    If possible, try a different device!

    If possible, try a different Internet connection! School and/or corporate firewalls occasionally block our video provider